The Slow Search for Sweet Solid Ground

  • A Week Home

    Okay, so last week at this time I was finishing up a week at my cottage and now I’m finishing up a week at home after that week at the cottage. So…how was it? Was I inspired to be so productive at my job and with my various personal projects? In a word – no.…

  • A Week Away

    My wife’s parents have a cottage in New Brunswick and I love it here. If you’re not sure what a “cottage” is, some people call it a camp. It’s a second home away from the city. It sounds like a real luxury when I put it like that…and it is. It’s on a lake. It’s…

  • The Search Continues

    I think I began this blog, or at least some form of it, over ten years ago. It’s a story that I plan to unwind here slowly over the coming months. It’s not a particularly spectacular story, but even every day stories told with truth can be interesting to somebody. The original title and concept…

  • Fresh Start

    Fresh Start

    The old site has been replaced, but because I have such a hard time deleting things, I have moved everything to a different address. If you want to see the old posts you can see them here:
